Monday, June 16, 2008

An Idea

I have an idea for those who are interested. Here's what I was thinking:

Bible Studies and groups for mothers with young children are almost impossible. Unless you go to MOPS or have enough money to hire a babysitter, it's really tough to get together with other mothers and most have to/need to work outside of the home.

What if we have a virtual Bible Study/Support Group with each other? At least, those of us who blog? It would be unique from message boards at like or other places because most of us know the people who we blog with AND it would be encouraging us not only as mothers but as Christians trying to find our way.

There are not a lot of stay at home moms where I am and, quite frankly, if you do stay at home it's mostly a solitary business because hauling multiple children around is no easy feat.

So what I was thinking was that maybe we could take turns "hosting" the group each other. Maybe whoever is responsible for the month could do a daily post of whatever length which includes something the laugh about, something to think about, and something to encourage us.

Is anyone interested? If so, let me know and we can brainstorm. Geographically, we'll never be able to get together but this way we could actually interact and support each other each day.

What do you think?


Hannah Hoffmann said...

I like the idea. What if we had a "day" each week? Like, I would take Monday, you Tuesday, etc. That way there wouldn't be an extended burden on any one person. If we needed to, we could each take two days. Just an idea...

Christy Ward said...

Count me in for sure!! Just be very specific when instructing me on how to work this group b/c my computer experience is limited--I am doing good to figure out how to post videos on a blog!

shauna said...

Although I don't write on your blog, I read it almost daily...Hannah's as well. My mom said she saw your mom this past weekend at a wedding and they were discussing our blogs. I find that funny. Anyway, I'd love to get as much wisdom and be apart of the 'venting' and encouraging as well. count me in!

Anonymous said...

this sounds like a wonderful idea.

Anna said...

Im in!! Even though I don't stay at home now, I did when mine were little. Kate honey, I'm just now reading that you were having a rough day, week, etc. I'm so sorry! I remember those days! And, a good cry is cleansing to me, so don't feel bad about that. Also, David is an incredible kid with an incredible mom. He's a toddler and that sort of stuff comes with the territory - you will survive. And, you are doing the right thing by taming his defiance early on, it will get less and less...pat yourself on the back, your doing great!!

Hilliard Family said...

Can I join, even if I only know a couple of you? And I'm old? And I'm a bit scatterbrained and not so organized? I like the one day a week idea or even take a week at a time and use it for a specific "theme", leaving some time open for discussion. Ex. pick a verse or idea or chapter from the Bible and post it on Monday, adding on to it throughout the week. Just a thought...