Thursday, January 31, 2008


So, David announced yesterday that his feet smelled tired.

What? Where do they come up with this stuff? He is really so smart and he remembers everything you have said! Don't promise him anything you don't have every intention of following through with. He will hold you to it.

He met a new friend in the grocery store today and they yelled HEY at each other the whole time we were shopping. It was pretty funny. By the time out trip was over her mommy and I had agreed to a playdate.

Does that happen only in Camilla? Or only amongst stay at home mothers?

1 comment:

Micah and Shireen said...

This one was great!! Tired feet...I get those too, but I just can't smell them! I love that you made a play date at the store...I will be praying that happens for us. Laily needs some baby friends...more than that, mommy needs some mommy friends. Hope all is well. I am working on a posting...promise!