Friday, January 25, 2008

Loss of....something

I've noticed that I have a loss of something. I'm not sure what to call it or how even to phrase it. You see, I just wiped my runny nose on David's dirty jammies. Sure, they are going to be washed anyway, but what kind of person does that? I would have never done that before I had children. Tissues and kleenex are for nose wiping. Gross.

Is that a loss of a social skill? Is it manners? Is it normal adult functioning? Whatever it is, I have lost it. It must have been birthed out with the placenta because I haven't seen it since he was born. Scary.

1 comment:

Micah and Shireen said...

You are not the only one who feel like they lost it (whatever that may be) after birthing a child. I am just glad I haven't resorted to wiping my nose with my kids clothes...hope things start looking up!! Love ya!!!