Monday, March 3, 2008

Why do we eat our on poop?

A few days ago I had the thought, "Rae hasn't ever taken her diaper off. Maybe she will skip the poop eating stage." Not so my friends. Yesterday I walked into her bedroom and found my sweet little princess p eating her own poop. That's right. She had doodoo all over her face, passy, bottle, hair, etc. She was coverered in it and having a great time. I walked in, looked at her, and she pointed to the pile of crap in her bed and said, "What's that?"

I'm thinking she already knew since she had obviously tasted it. Disgusting. I was grossed out the first time David did that but nothing can prepare you for seeing your teensy weensy precious little girl covered in her own crap.


HaleyM said...

Thank God Harrison has never eaten his poop. I just don't know if I could stomach that one.

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, how disgusting. i know clean up could not have been fun. one time josiah took of his poopy diapers and smeared it all over his carpet and wall. it was a horrible experience. :)

Melissa said...

Hi! I just found your blog via Annie's (of course) and love it already.
Happy Wednesday :-)Melissa

Anna said...

I don't recall my children eating it, but i do remember Hannah strolling a piece in her stroller and calling it her baby!!!!! Yuck!!!!!

Pajama Mama said...

Girl! I had three and none of mine had a poop eating stage. The Butter, however, had a "shmell my finguh" stage. (That's 'smell my finger' in case you couldn't translate and yes, we all fell for it once. Only once, I assure you.)