I guess I'm only going to be able to post monthly for a while? It seems like that's my new pattern anyway.
We are good here. David is doing so well in school. He is such a smartie and we are always impressed at how much he is learning. He is going on a 6 hour field trip today and thankfully I got out of this one! Whew. 6 hours is a long time to be with 40 pre-kers.
Rae looks to be coming out of her two year old stage. It's been a doozy. I see signs of my sweet little girl returning. Praise God. We weren't sure we were going to make it. This morning she told me (as I was threatening David with a spanking), "No, Mama, don't spank David! He's my best brother!" What a love she is.
Micah is the sweetest child around. For real. Everybody should have a baby like him. Unless he is working on teeth he is so pleasant. HE is pulling up and standing some without holding on. He can walk now by holding on to our fingers too.
I have three sweet sweet children.
Chuck just started harvesting peanuts, just finished corn, and we are probably looking at him going straight from peanuts into pecans. How does this translate? Work, work, work! 6 days a week kind of stinks because Sundays are the "get it done" day instead of resting but...what can you do?
I hear Micah talking in his room. Time for him to be up!